Book now and pay at your own pace. Choose your own financing term. Loans are open and repayable at any time without penalty.
Complete your request in just a few minutes with your travel consultant and get an instant response.
Travel now and make monthly payments according to the term you choose.
*As an example, estimated monthly payments and rates based on credit information and other factors, actual amounts may vary; trip price $5,000, 24 payments of $237.69 at 12.99% APR, total interest charges $704.56, loan amount $5,000 and total repayment amount $5,704.56. Candidates are subject to approval by Iceberg Finance. Eligibility is not guaranteed and is subject to a satisfactory credit check. Certain conditions apply.
Quebec company, simple, fast and confidential approval. Your transaction will be carried out honestly and transparently.
All loans are open loans. You can make early repayments at no extra cost.
You can repay your loan in monthly or bi-weekly payments, depending on the term you choose. (24 months to 60 months)
We finance all regions of the province of Quebec, with the exception of a few remote areas.
Yes. You must work a minimum of 6 months per year.
Yes, it’s possible.
You must be at least 18 years old to obtain a loan.
You must have been employed for at least 3 months for us to consider this income.
Yes. Your loan will be debited from your bank account.
Yes. You must have been self-employed for at least 6 months, and we’ll need your bank statements to confirm your income.
Declared employment income, self-employment, family allowances (RQAP and ACE), alimony with judgment, RRQ, old age pension (OAS and SRG), SAAQ and CNESST.
La tarification sur le site ne comprend pas le fond d’indemnisation des clients des agents de voyages (FICAV) tel que mentionné sur la facture pour les résidents du Québec (sauf avis contraire). Tous les prix sont valides au moment de l’entrée sur le site et valide si vous achetez des services pendant une même session. Si vous vous déconnectez de notre site, les prix pourraient être différents lors de votre prochaine session. Notre moteur de recherche étant constamment mis à jour, les prix affichés à l’étape 1 et 2 peuvent différer du prix final. Le prix en agence peut différer du tarif internet.
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