Created in 1998, Paul Gauguin Cruises is a company specializing in luxury cruises in Tahiti and Polynesia. Offering top-of-the-range service and a wide variety of facilities dedicated to leisure and relaxation, its ships criss-cross the Pacific Ocean and South Asia.
Like Aranui, Paul Gauguin Cruises offers authentic cruises to meet the population. Its fleet has 2 boats that can accommodate between 90 and 332 passengers. Ideal for a romantic getaway, the Paul Gauguin is a 5-star ship that offers personalized service with a dedicated hostess. Its luxurious decor is directly inspired by the local culture. A marina opens at the back and allows you to practice water sports such as kayaking or windsurfing and to go diving. The Tere Moana, smaller, looks like a yacht, its shallow draft allows it to approach closer to the coast.
The "Gauguines" welcome you dressed in the traditional way with their shimmering dresses and flowers in their hair. The dances they improvise and the sound of the ukuleles plunge you into a friendly atmosphere. In addition to its attractive rates, the company offers discounts for honeymooners and loyal customers. Go on a dream cruise with Paul Gauguin Cruises.
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