The Crystal name was revived with the 2023 relaunch of the refurbished ocean ships Crystal Serenity and Crystal Symphony after they were acquired by the A&K Travel Group.
Luxury line Crystal Cruises collapsed in 2022 following the post-pandemic bankruptcy of parent company Genting Group. The revived line has been rebranded as Crystal — with the tagline Exceptional at Sea — and now operates with the 740-passenger Crystal Serenity and 606-passenger Crystal Symphony offering global itineraries.
The A&K Travel Group was founded by Geoffrey Kent in 1962 as Abercrombie & Kent. Kent grew up in Kenya and pioneered luxury adventure travel with the company's first African safaris. A&K now has over 55 offices in more than 30 countries. The Monaco-based private equity firm Heritage is the parent company of the A&K Travel Group and is chaired by Manfredi Lefebvre d'Ovidio, founder and former executive chairman of Silversea.
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